Looking back on 2021 and planning for 2022


27 December, 2021


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Last couple of years I reflected I shared my thoughts on Instagram. This time I wanted to share it here on the blog, so it can be a bit longer, easier to read and to find. I love reflecting on the past year and planning for the next year, but this is the first year I am making a real planning without worrying about having multiple jobs. Because 2022 I’ll be in full control, whatever it is I’m going to do, I’m gonna love it and I won’t settle for anything less.

Everything happens for a reason

For me 2021 was a crazy year. Not only because of Corona, but also because of the loss of my grandfather in February, changing jobs and eventually quitting my parttime job last October. Marlon and I decided to quit our relationship after being together for 6 years, because we are both career driven and have different thoughts about life. So we decided it’s time to follow our own dreams. We are not in a fight and wish each other all luck in the world, which makes it even more sad. But I believe that everything happens for a reason and who knows how life will be in a year from now. I’ve had the dream to travel since I was little and was always fascinated by other countries, especially when looking to old photographs or videos. That’s why I’m now going to combine traveling, photography and my hotel and eventmanagement background.

Photography learnings

What I learned most in my photography last year? Pfew, that’s a good question. 2021 was full of lessons, both personal as career wise, but one effected the other. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned in 2021 is to follow my dream and my intuition and just go wherever it takes me. I’ve felt for so long that photography is my path and I’ve been ignoring it by not giving it my all. So everytime I found a job that was not photography or storytelling related I would always go back to photography after a while. So that’s one thing I will do differently in 2022, I will completely focus on my photography and storytelling. On my own platforms, but also for hotels and organizations to create stunning visuals and matching texts to make impact and wow their audience.

January 2022 I will be going to Curaçao and in March I’ll be in Marrakech, but besides that I have no plans set in stone yet. So if you have any recommendations feel free to send me an email (contact@kayleeburger.com) or a DM on Instagram 😀

Lets count down to 2022!

So I’m a firm believer of law of attraction and do good and good will come to you, so I believe that all the effort I’ve put into this platform already and will continue to put into it, will pay off eventually. So I’m very grateful that you’re reading this, that you’re one of my Instagram and Youtube friends and I hope you’ll enjoy what’s coming your way. If you have anything you’d like to see or questions you want to see answered I’d love to answer them in a full blog post or on my YouTube channel. Just let me know!

For now I’ll be enjoying my last December days (it’s now December 27) and I will see you in January from tropical Curaçao!


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